Student Code of Conduct



本程序的目的是提供一个及时和公平的手段来解决违反学生行为准则的行为, 哪一个规定了学生或学生参与适当的正当程序权利. 这一程序将以公平和公正的方式实施,而不是为了报复. 它不打算取代可能由其他机构发起的刑事或民事诉讼.

本行政程序无意以任何方式侵犯受州和联邦宪法保护的学生自由表达的权利, and by Education Code Sections 66301 and 76120, 不会被用来惩罚受保护的言论.

学生的行为必须符合澳门皇家赌城在线县社区学院区管理委员会与学院管理人员和学生合作制定的学生行为准则. 违反这些规则将受到纪律处分,并由适当的学院当局进行管理. 澳门皇家赌城在线县社区学院区已经建立了这里列举的处罚管理程序. 学院当局将决定适当的处罚。.

Student Code of Conduct

1. Causing, attempting to cause, 或威胁要对他人或自己造成身体伤害.

2. Possession, sale or otherwise furnishing a weapon, including but not limited to, any actual or facsimile of a firearm, knife, explosive or other dangerous object, 或者任何未经地区员工书面许可的威胁人身伤害的物品, with concurrence of the College President.

3. Use, possession (except as expressly permitted by law), distribution, or offer to sell alcoholic beverages, narcotics, hallucinogenic drugs, marijuana, 在校园或参加学校主办的活动时,携带其他管制物品或危险药物.

4. 在酒精饮料的影响下出现在校园, narcotics, hallucinogenic drugs, marijuana, 其他管制药品或危险药品,法律明文许可的除外.

5. 抢劫的抢劫或敲诈的.

6. 造成或企图造成地区财产或校园私人财产损坏的.

7. 偷窃或企图偷窃学校财物或私人财物, 或明知是偷来的地区财物或校园内的私人财物.

8. 在法律或学院或学区规定禁止吸烟的地方故意或持续吸烟.

9. 通过言语或行为对其他学生进行恐吓或欺凌的, including direct physical contact, verbal assaults, such as teasing or name-calling, social isolation or manipulation, and cyber-bullying.

10. Engaging in harassing or discriminatory behavior. 地区对性骚扰事件的回应将遵循理事会政策与行政程序3430中确定的程序.

11. Obstruction or disruption of classes, administrative or disciplinary procedures, or authorized college activities.

12. Disruptive behavior, willful disobedience, profanity, vulgarity or other offensive conduct, 或者公开而持久地蔑视权威, or persistent abuse of, 区/书院人员执行职务.

12. Academic dishonesty, cheating, or plagiarism.

13. 持续藐视权威或滥用地区/学院人员. 

14. Academic dishonesty, cheating, or plagiarism.

15. Dishonesty, forgery; alteration or misuse of district/college documents, records or identification; or knowingly furnishing false information to the district/college or any related off-site agency or organization.

16. 未经授权进入或使用区/学院设施.

17. Engaging in expression which is obscene, libelous, or slanderous, 或煽动学生在学院/地区内作出明显及现时的非法行为危险, 或者违反区政府合法行政程序的, 或严重扰乱本区的正常运作.

18. 违反区/学院规章制度,包括有关学生组织的规定, the use of district/college facilities, or the time, place, 以及公开表达或分发材料的方式.

19. Persistent, 采取其他纠正措施仍不能纠正不当行为的,行为严重的.

20. Unauthorized preparation, giving, selling, transfer, distribution, 或在课堂或同等教学场所发表任何学术演讲的录音, including but not limited to written class materials, except as permitted by district policy, or administrative procedure.

21. 在课堂或临床环境中违反由国家许可机构(注册护士委员会)认定的职业道德行为准则, Emergency Medical Services Authority, Title 22, Peace Officers Standards & Training, California Department of Public Health).

根据本程序对学生进行纪律处分, 如果行为发生在任何课程期间或与任何课程相关,则与大学活动或大学出勤有关, activity, or event connected with District coursework, 由地区或地区学院赞助或批准, 或全部或部分由学区或学院资助, 活动或事件是否发生在校内或校外,在教学时间内或以外.