
空气 & Space Forces Association (AFA)

In 2022, AFA contributed more than $230,000给空军, 监护人, 他们的配偶, and their 孩子们 through twelve (12) unique scholarships. 这些帮助支付学费, 飞行学校, 牙科学者, Arnold 空气 Society and Silver Wings, and even full rides to certain universities.


每个奖学金是1美元,000 and will be awarded to a few students pursuing a degree in logistics, 供应链管理, 工程, 业务, or a similar field that could lead to a career related to logistics. 对现役军人、退伍军人、配偶和家属开放(包括国民警卫队和预备役).


Annually offers scholarships to our nation’s 经验丰富的s, 现役, 警卫, and Reserves; 他们的配偶 as well as their 孩子们 and grand孩子们. A son, daughter or grandchild of a deceased 经验丰富的 is also eligible.

AMVETS 经验丰富的 Scholarship Program

在WD-40公司的支持下,AMVETS提供高达5000美元的奖学金.00 for training and certification in the construction trades. 必须是现役军人或武装部队退伍军人(包括预备役和国民警卫队), 退伍军人配偶, 或现役成员. 资格要求申请人参加合格的建筑行业计划. Children of Service Members are Not eligible.

American Brother Foundation Scholarship

We give scholarships to our 现役军人 personnel, 退伍军人, 和/或他们的家人, including our Gold Star families, to assist in their educational goals.  如果你是一名高中毕业生,并且你的家庭成员曾经或现在在我们的军队服役,你就有资格. 必须有可证实的军事联系,如服役,家属或金星家庭成员. 必须在申请提交的下一个学期就读或被认可的四年制学院或技术机构录取.

Deadline March 25, 2024       Amount: $1,000        Awards: 6

Ankin Law Office Annual Scholarship for Military 经验丰富的s

安金律师事务所有一项年度奖学金,帮助退伍军人及其家属在大学接受教育, 大学, 或者贸易/职业学校. 2500美元的奖金将直接送到获奖者所在的学校,只用于支付学费. Award decision is based upon applicant’s essay.

DAV Auxiliary National Education Scholarship & Vocational Training Assistance

美国伤残退伍军人辅助教育奖学金计划的设立是为了向在认可的大学就读的学生提供教育奖学金, 大学, or 职业 school in the United States or Territory. 那些符合既定指导方针的全日制学生可能有资格获得最高2美元的奖学金,500. 符合既定指导方针的非全日制学生可能有资格获得最高750美元的奖学金.

Graydon & 默斯·福克斯奖学金

该奖学金的设立是为了帮助那些寻求通过教育提高工作技能或改善环境的个人,为在美国武装部队中光荣服役的退伍军人或幸存的配偶提供奖学金, dependent child or grandchild of a U.S. 经验丰富的. Preference will be given to wounded personnel or a surviving spouse, 因公殉职或负伤人员的子女或孙辈. 必须在认可的学院、大学或职业学校攻读学位.

Deadline March 15, 2024       Amount: $20,000        Awards: varies

Keller Law Offices Annual Scholarship for Military 经验丰富的s

凯勒律师事务所每年为退伍军人及其直系亲属提供奖学金. Only one winner is chosen, so expect the process to be competitive. 需要一篇500字的论文,并提供认证课程的全日制注册证明, whether under研究生 or post研究生. Trade and 职业 programs also qualify. 1000美元的奖金将直接送到获奖者所在的学校,只用于支付学费.

Matthew L .律师事务所. Sharp Annual Military Scholarship

马修·L. Sharp Annual Military Scholarship awards $1,000 to 退伍军人 and their immediate family (孩子们 or parents). To further assist with transitions back to civilian life, 该奖学金涵盖职业和贸易学校以及两年制或四年制认可大学. Apply with proof of enrollment and an essay up to 1,500 words. Funds only apply toward tuition.

Mike Nash Memorial Scholarship Fund

The scholarship was established in 1991.  美国越战退伍军人协会(VVA)设立了一个奖学金项目,为越战时期的退伍军人提供经济援助, 抚养的孩子, grand孩子们 and orphans and widows of deceased Vietnam 经验丰富的s, 在认可的教育/技术机构进行本科学习的费用.

Military Officers Association of America 奖学金及助学金

访问MOAA奖学金和助学金网站,了解各种不同奖学金的信息, grants and interest-free loans.

Navy Seal Foundation Pillars of Support

Programs under our Education Pillar empower active-duty NSW personnel, 他们的配偶和子女, as well as our SEAL and SWCC post-9/11 退伍军人 and their 孩子们, by awarding scholarships for higher education. 奖学金 can be used for 职业, 证书, 许可, 以及高等教育课程, 如学士学位或副学士学位,也可能包括研究生学位奖学金的机会.

Paralyzed 经验丰富的s of America

PVA会员, 成员的配偶, 或24岁以下的未婚子女(根据美国国税局的定义)依赖该成员支付主要赡养费. 奖学金 are awarded in the amount of $2,500 to full-time students and $1,非全日制学生可获五千元资助.


这10%的学费奖学金是为在神圣慈悲大学新项目学习的符合条件的退伍军人提供的, 现役军人, 预备役人员, 退役的军事, and/or spouse/dependents of the same.


Individuals eligible for the include 经验丰富的s and active Service Members of both pre- and post- 9/11 service; Service Members from all branches of the U.S. 包括国民警卫队在内的武装部队,他们在9/11之前和之后都服役过, as well as current spouses of the aforementioned, 包括未亡配偶. Must be pursuing under研究生, 研究生, 研究生, 两年, 四年, 公共, 私人, 职业, and trade degrees or certifications.



紫心勋章获得者及其直系后裔(包括配偶)可获得紫心勋章基金会奖学金, 孩子们, and grand孩子们) to cover costs/fees such as tuition, 房间 & 伙食费和其他费用.

Ranger Memorial Foundation Scholarship Fund

The National Ranger Memorial Foundation, Inc. 服务于你.S. Army Rangers of all eras through recognition in a granite monument, display of Hall of Fame members, scholarships to deserving individuals, 并协助护林员家属.


该计划通过帮助成熟的地方丰富了美国教育的质量, 动机, 有经验的, and dedicated personnel in our nation's class房间s.  TTT provides financial assistance, 咨询, 并通过州TTT安置援助办公室网络进行就业介绍.

VA Mortgage Center Scholarship

Open to current and prospective ROTC program students; Active-duty military personnel with plans to attend college; Honorably Discharged 经验丰富的s of the US military; Sons, Daughters and Spouses of 经验丰富的s or Active-duty military. Five awards bi-yearly in the amount of $1,500.

经验丰富的s of Foreign Wars (VFW) - Military 奖学金
The VFW's Military Scholarship program provides 25 $3,每年向现役军人或在12月31日截止日期前36个月内退伍的退伍军人提供000美元的奖学金.

经验丰富的s of Foreign Wars (VFW) - Youth 奖学金

海外退伍军人协会致力于弘扬爱国主义精神,并投资于我们的下一代. “民主之声”有声散文项目为高中生提供了获得全国第一名的独特机会,奖金为35美元,000 scholarship paid directly to the recipient’s American 大学, college or 职业/technical school. A complete list of other national scholarships range from $1,000-$21,000, 每个VFW部门(州)的第一名获奖者至少获得1美元的奖学金,000.

经验丰富的s United Foundation Scholarship

The 经验丰富的s United Foundation offers scholarships to disabled 退伍军人, or surviving family members (child, spouse) of those who died from service-related incidents. 申请人必须计划上大学或就读本科或更高的课程. Three annual awards up to $20,000.

Deadline: March 31, 2024     Amount: varies     奖:各不相同