Why 距离Education?

澳门皇家赌城在线大学 offers convenient access to higher education 和 learning opportunities via 距离Education. 距离Education 学生 can take online courses 和 / or partially online courses. Distance education students are familiar with using technology on a daily basis, own their own computer or 选项卡let, have consistently strong internet connection from home or study place, manage their free time well, 和 meet deadlines 和 project goals consistently. 距离Education students are at times very independent. Please research 距离Education carefully before signing up for a course.

登记 Steps

  • Step 1: Am I Ready?
    • 旅游的 Introduction to 在线学习 模块. We recommend using the multimedia representation for the best experience. 也有 文本 audio only options available at your convenience.
  • Step 2a: Getting Tech-Ready
    • Make sure you are Tech-Ready for an online course. We recommend using the multimedia representation for the best experience. 也有 文本 和 audio only options available at your convenience.
  • Step 2b: Computer Readiness Test
    • Be sure to also keep browsers updated 和 have other latest versions of applications by clicking "澳门英皇赌城在线测试" on  页面.
  • Step 3: VC 登记
  • Step 4: View Online Course Schedule
    • 澳门皇家赌城在线大学 offers a variety of online & partially online course. Take a look at the Online Course Schedule 页面.
  • Step 5: Enrollment
    • Stay on top of important registration dates! 登录你的 MyVCCCD门户 和 click on the "登记/Pay" 选项卡. 然后在 登记 widget, click on "View 登记 Appointment" to find out when you can start signing up for your courses. You may also check our academic calendar.
  • Step 6: Student D2L/Canvas Orientations (可选) 
    • You are welcome to take our Student 距离Education (DE) Orientations to familiarize yourself with Desire2Learn or Canvas tools. 查看我们的 Student DE Orientation Schedule 报名吧!

For further questions or comments, please let us know. 访问我们的 联系页面.